July 17, 2024

Cardium Law: Your Gateway to International Legal Success

Cardium Law’s delegation to the IR Global conference in Dubai had a busy week strengthening the firm’s international network.

David Davies and Chris MacQueen get ready for a day’s networking

The team, led by Directors Matt Clark and Chris MacQueen along with Senior Associate David Davies, engaged with new and existing contacts, laying the groundwork for future collaborations.

Navigating the Legal Landscape in Dubai

During their visit, Chris and David met with representatives from the Dubai International Arbitration Centre – the largest alternative dispute resolution centre in the region – where they gained insights into the centre’s commercial orientation and its role in facilitating international arbitration.

They clarified the distinction between the DAC and other organisations in the region around the recognition of legal cases across jurisdictions. It now looks possible to have a judgement in Dubai that will be recognised by legal systems worldwide.

Add to that, the country’s banking system is due to be white-listed, meaning that it will be open and transparent to lawyers needing financial information. Crucially, that also means that payouts resulting from legal decisions can be enforced.

And India

The team met delegates from many parts of the Middle East and further afield, including India.

Discussions with Indian delegates highlighted how recent developments in that country have streamlined legal procedures in commercial cases, making India an attractive jurisdiction for international disputes.

International Gateways

Cardium’s attendance at IR Global in Dubai as well as MIPIM and other international conferences is part of the firm’s strategy to build international networks and capabilities.

The objective is to build a network of international partnerships as well as specialist services to provide a holistic global service to clients in the property construction sector from the UK and